
IBM P시리즈 AIX에서 LED 끄기 본문


IBM P시리즈 AIX에서 LED 끄기

현재에최선을 2019. 1. 10. 19:18


IBM P시리즈 AIX에서 LED 끄기

1. root 로그인

2. #>diag 엔터

3. Function Selection menu > Task Selection 선택

4. Identify and Attention Indicators 선택

5. the list of lights > the location code for the part 선택

6. 서버에 LED가 활성화된 경우, 위치코드 앞에 "I" 문자가 옴

7. commit 선택


Use this procedure to turn off any indicator light that you turned on as a part of a service action.

To deactivate the indicator light, complete the following steps:

Log in as root user.

At the command line, type diag and press Enter.

From the Function Selection menu, select Task Selection and press Enter.

From the Task Selection menu, select Identify and Attention Indicators and press Enter.

From the list of lights, select the location code for the part and press Enter. When a light is activated for a part, an I character precedes the location code.

Select Commit.

Exit to the command line.

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