
IBM P시리즈 OP패널로 HMC IP 확인 본문


IBM P시리즈 OP패널로 HMC IP 확인

현재에최선을 2019. 1. 11. 15:14



Panel function 30 can be used to check the IP address of HMC1 and HMC2 ports on FSP.

Resolving The Problem

The IP address for HMC1 and HMC2 ports on the FSP can be viewed and configured using ASMI. However, if ASMI is not readily available, control panel function 30 can also be used to view the IP address assigned to these ports.

Note: This function is available only in firmware level 096 and above.

Put the control panel in manual mode, and then use function 30 to view the desired port address.

To place the system in manual mode, you should do the following:

1. Press Up Arrow until 02 is displayed, and press Enter.
2. Press Enter again to move pointer (<) over to the N.
3. Press Up Arrow to change N to M.
4. Press Enter until panel displays only 02 (2 or 3 times).

Use function 30 to view the desired port address. If the FSP has both Ethernet ports in use, sub-function 3000 will contain the HMC1 (eth0) IP address, and sub-function 3001 will contain the HMC2 (eth1) IP address.  For servers with redundant FSP, sub-function 3002 contains HMC1 (eth0) IP address for FSP-B, and sub-function 3003 contains HMC2 (eth1) IP address.

To return the system to normal mode, you should do the following:

1. Press Up Arrow until 02 is displayed, and press Enter.
2. Press Enter again to move pointer (<) over to the M.
3. Press Up Arrow to change M to N.
4. Press Enter until panel displays only 02 (2 or 3 times).
5. Press Down Arrow to 01, press Enter.
If you like we also have a video which shows how to go through this process.
