
IBM P710 HMC 포트 통신 장애 본문


IBM P710 HMC 포트 통신 장애

현재에최선을 2019. 1. 12. 10:43

IBM P710 HMC 포트를 이용하여 노트북과 연결할 때 통신이 안되는 경우.

핑테스트 등을 진행해도 안될 경우.

HMC 프로세스가 정상동작을 하지 않을 수 있음.

이럴경우 HMC 프로세스 리셋을 위해 서버를 재시작 한다.

- 순서
1. 서버 종료
     shutdown -F

2. 서버 종료 확인 후 파워 케이블 빼고 1분후 다시 연결

3. 서버 전원 on

4. HMC 포트에 연결해서 확인



Use this procedure to reset the service processor.

NoteUse this procedure only under the direction of your next level of support or your hardware service provider. During this procedure, you will be powering off the system, removing ac power and reapplying ac power.

Inform anyone using the server that it will be shut down.

Stop all applications that are running on the server.

Stop the operating system and server by choosing from the following options:

If you have an HMC, shut down all logical partitions and the server. For instructions, see HMC and system power-on and power-off procedures. Then continue with step 5.

If you do not have an HMC, continue with the next step.

Stop the system. For instructions, see Stopping a system that is not managed by an HMC.

Unplug the ac power cord and then plug it back in.

Start the server. For instruction, see Starting a system that is not managed by an HMC. The service processor is reset. This ends the procedure.
